Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Job hunting Techniques and processes

During the last few days I was checking that I had all the PDUs that are needed to see me through this certification period for my PMI PMP certification. It made me think - or maybe "wonder" is the better word - how am I keeping my skills up to date during this phase of life where I'm not working, and can those skills support me in my job search?

So, I started a discussion in one of the PMI groups PMI Certified PMPs in LinkedIn titled "How are you using your PMI knowledge to help you to search for and find a job?", and added a poll ( ) to see how many people would say they are using PMI for this.

I would think that most project managers consider job hunting to be a project of sorts. If so, it would seem that the next logical step might be to try applying some of these concepts to that search.


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