Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Passion in the Job Search

In this job hunt we always seem to hear that we need to find the job for which we have a passion. For example, if your passion is to bake cupcakes and feed your friends, maybe you should look into opening a bakery.

What if it's really the opposite? What if my passion regarding the "right" job doesn't fit this model?

My passion is to love the job I have. I should like going to work almost as much as I like going away from work. Within that I can do all sorts of things! I could be entirely happy baking cupcakes as long as it supports my family and the people are nice. I could thoroughly enjoy being a project manager and putting in new infrastructure because I like to see that something that I am responsible for is completed successfully. I could love being a farmer or cowboy (cowgirl?) because it always smells so good outside and I think horses are magnificant.

So do I really have to define a passion and then find a job to meet that, or can I be passionate that I find a job that I really like doing, whatever the definition of that is?

I think I can.

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