Thursday, January 28, 2010

I was bold today!

I did it!! In December I provided my resume to a non-profit where I have been volunteering for years, and where now they have an opportunity that I think I can do. I know things can move slowly, but enough time has passed that I now have an interview scheduled with another company. That's a good thing! But I don't want to take a job - if offered - simply because it's offered. I want to be sure that I find and accept the job that I want.

So, I requested a meeting with the hiring manager. For me that was bold.

But why should that be bold? I am bold in other things, especially when I'm sure that I'm right. So what is so scarey about requesting a meeting?

A week to so ago I wrote about having nothing to lose. If that's true, why do I consider this action to be bold?

Well, this place has a process in place. If I really want to work for a specific place (any place) should I really be going outside of their process on purpose? If I really have nothing to lose, am I losing or not losing by pushing them?

Anyway, next week I have 2 interviews. One is in my field and probably the only questionable thing is the length of the drive. The other is much closer but is outside my known comfort zone although in a direction that I like. I will be spending time during the next few days preparing for both of these very different interviews. It's exciting, scarey and exhilarating.

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