Sunday, January 17, 2010

What are the personal needs during a job search and how do we acknowledge those?

Ok, I'm still on this subject, but I promise, I'll change soon!

Most of us attend networking groups, training, volunteer work or some other social event related to our job searches. But do you ever wonder "Is there anyone out there who thinks like me?" or "How does everyone survive this?". The existing events are good within their purposes, but where do you go to discuss yourself rather than your search?

When I listen to others at these events there seem to be many individuals who say the same things. "I'm tired of reading about tips to have the perfect resume" or "80% of postings on job boards are bogus so what do I do?". In other words, there is a lot of legitimate frustration out there among us. But I've never come across anything organized where we can discuss and deal with these things.

I would like to know how everyone takes care of themselves during this phase of their career search. Are there any sort of support groups out there where members actually discuss their personal issues as those relate to the job search?

Where do you go, or how do you express yourself when you are different from what the newspaper says you should be doing? I am tired of having to read some "tip" about how to find a job. How do you acknowledge and accomodate the ups and downs of the job search so that you can do all the other things necessary?

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