Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve 2012

Only another hour and a quarter until the end of this year. We passed April Fools Day. We lived through the end of the Mayan calendar. We've shovelled out of our first snowfall. Now it will be a new year. Our gym will over flow with all those who think they're going to change their lives by making a resolution. We'll be figuring out how much we owe in taxes or how much to get back, but either way people will complain. We could go on like that, or we can flip the switch in our minds. My children are all healthy, and I like them most of the time. My husband is home every night. I'm taking better care of myself without being fanatical about it. We're planning for the future while living in the present. So, no resolutions, no changes, no regrets, no bragging. We are where we are, and we'll see where we go. Maybe a little direction, a little luck, a little thanks for being where I am and for where I'm going.

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