Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The busy days

Wow, I never considered December to be so busy before, or to have to prioritize what things need to get done. Some of the things on my list are:
- Continue the search for a new career
- Work to start the 7D Job Club of Oakland County, in association with Waggleforce
- Shop for the holidays
- Study for Microsoft certifications
- Participate in my community and with my volunteer work
- Find time for family - always a challenge with a husband and 3 teenagers.

So what's the point? Why should you read this blog, especially when it's about "normal" things? Because they're all important things!! What is important to you? Or, how do you deal with so many important things?

This holiday season is very different for our family. Our tree is smaller, the gifts are fewer. The teenagers have their own lives and don't want or need to be home as often in previous years. For the first time I am understanding why a holiday season can be a trial for some individuals. Everything is changing, and seems to be out of your control.

So, I do what I can, try to focus on what is important, and to have some fun. I'm seeing the value in both receiving from my community, and for the need to give back to the community. This holiday season isn't about me, it's about what and who is around me and how those people and events can bring joy.

Now, I need to continue to go forward, to work for my goals, and to be the best I can be and contribute the best I can contribute.

Right now that means that it's time to frost some cookies. I hope your holidays are great.

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