Saturday, December 26, 2009

Daily Victories

It's hard, job hunting, day after day. It's usually boring and unrewarding. It's difficult to do this every day.

No, I'm not whining. I'm setting the stage. How do you go on with your job hunting, and how do you get better at it?

I am reading a book by Robin Roberts titled "From the Heart. Seven Rules to Live By". Today the few pages that I read included her concept of Daily Victory. That can be making that scarey phone call to a potential employer, or sending out that resume, or going to a networking event.

Reading her book, even a little at a time, is becoming a daily victory. There is a lot that I do skim over, but there are a lot of pieces that are very motivational.

So, I'm going to work on my daily victories. I would also like to hear about your daily victories. What do you do, or what goals to you set in your search for a new career to keep you motivated and on track?

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