Saturday, January 2, 2010

What day is it today?

This morning when I woke up my first thought was "What day is today?". We are still in the midst of the Christmas and New Years holidays so in addition to not having a job to go to on a regular basis, everyone has been home at one time or another when they wouldn't usually be home. That can really mess with your sleepy perceptions!!

I've been reading a book by Robin Roberts during the last few days. Usually it's only a very few pages at a time, but she has some very interesting thoughts. It's almost like she's trying to push you forward with her words, she was able to express herself so well.

So, let's change the perception of the question "What day is today" from being just a day of the week into "What can I accomplish today?". Just think, what if I could wake up every day and think af the upcoming hours as an opportunity with the same enthusiasm as Robin expresses in her words.

I would like to work in the non-profit sector. I would like to work somewhere where I know why I am working there, and why is that good. I would like to write a newspaper column from the job seeker perspective, very similar to this blog. Tomorrow when I wake up I want to think "What day is it today? Oh yeah, it's the day I get to work on what I want to do."

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