Sunday, January 17, 2010

Am I alone or are there others like me?

Let’s continue with this thought. I’ve mentioned it before. Am I the only person like me? Does anybody else think like I think about being unemployed?

Sometimes it seems like there is a secret society of unemployed people who are searching for jobs – for that next, elusive career. How can I say that? There are network groups, job boards, news articles galore!! There’s nothing secret about Michigan’s unemployment levels.
Ok, tell me this. Where can I go to talk with another person about our “down days”? We all (I presume – since there’s no place to actually go to talk about it) go through cycles where we’re gung ho at our searches and then we drop through the floor and can’t bear to do another thing. Does that mean we’re depressed and need a shrink? Or are we normal?

What about duration? Some of us have been out of work for months and years. We do all the “right things” like apply to jobs, go to networking sessions, volunteer and take classes. But we’re still unemployed!! Are we just losers? Are we not doing it the best way? Or are there really just no opportunities? What?

I could go on with more, but basically, is there anyone else out there like me? Actually, yes!! There are discussions in LinkedIn where people write “Thank you!” because there is something out there to show that we think and we feel!

So the next question should be, what do we do to make this better?

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