Sunday, January 10, 2010

What did you learn?

Am I the only person like me? Does anybody else think like I think about being unemployed? Has anyone else learned anything because of being unemployed?

I don't mean did you learn how to write a resume or to use linkedin, or are you angry about being unemployed. I mean, DID YOU LEARN ANYTHING?

What are you doing? We can't all be sitting here behind our computers and still be sane! How do you balance your life? Where do you get your joy? Where do you give back to your community?

What? I want you to think about giving back? How can we do that? We aren't bringing anything in. Well, other than food stamps and unemployment, I mean.... Yes! How do you give back?

I have a blog. It's It's where I have been writing down what I think.

I think that there should be a column in the weekly edition of Freep that is like my blog. Personally, I'm really tired of reading all these "tips" on how to find a job or write a resume or increase my network. Good grief! We've been unemployed forever. I want to see something that is written by someone like me. How are we surviving, keeping our sanity and our humor?

So, Freep Editor, read my stuff, call me, tell me you want to hear more from me. Not just because I think it's a great idea, but because there are others like me out there and we need to know that each other exists, that we think similiarly, that we deal with our own problems, and that we still manage to give back, to smile, and to keep our sanity.

This is how I think we can give back.


  1. " Personally, I'm really tired of reading all these "tips" on how to find a job or write a resume or increase my network. Good grief! We've been unemployed forever. I want to see something that is written by someone like me. How are we surviving, keeping our sanity and our humor?"

    I am also tired of job hunting tips. I'm also tired of job hunting. I think more and more of us need to be honest about our frustrations. Being relentlessly positive is getting to be too much. I want to be crabby sometime. This job-seeking stuff is lousy, and we have the right to be crabby sometime!!

  2. Ha! I like your comment about wanting to be crabby!

    Do you scare people on those crabby days? My family knows to run! And I have a "game face" for when I'm around other people.

    And then how to get un-crabby; that's a whole other project! I usually need to go away for a few hours - get outside on a nice day and just enjoy the view.

    But that is something to think about - the crabby times, how and why they affect you, how you affect everyone around you when you are crabby, and when and how to get un-crabby.

  3. Hi Kathy - I have been out of work about as long as you, and am finding the going very tough right now. You don't have to write for Freep though, because Examiner is loooking to expand it's writer base and there could be room for you there. I subscribe to Job Sense Examiner written by Curt MacRae who is also on Linked in. (It is not allowing me to paste the web address for this.)

    What have I learned? That I can do more with less, and less, and less... and I wonder how much more I can do with any less. But this skill is counterproductive- the longer I am unemployed the less desirable I am as a prospective employee.

    Employers want glitz and smart talkers, people whose interview is all soundbite and camera. Only recently have a few started actually testing for the skills they desire - the rest still take candidates' word for it. And they want someone who was employed last week.

    But drop by mine and see just how crabby I can be...
